Faculty of Theory and History of State and Law
Cập nhật lúc 22:39, 28/02/2023 (GMT+7)

1. Introduction

The Faculty of Theory and History of State and Law is a School of Law unit under the Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The Faculty has the function of teaching and conducting scientific research on the basic legal sciences: Theory of state and law, History of state and law, History of legal systems, Legal sociology, Comparative law.

The curriculum and scientific research of the Faculty of Theory and History of State and Law have been clearly reformed and developed in the direction of basic research and practical application in policy and law-making; law and development; access to justice, information and legal services.

Regarding education and scientific research activities for the various academic systems and programs of the University of Law, the Faculty is in charge of the curriculum for basic legal subjects for Bachelor’s degree programs in Legal Studies and Business Law, Master's degree program in Theory and History of State and Law; co-in-charge of PhD degree program in Theory and History of State and Law. The Faculty is initiating projects to open new Bachelor’s degree programs in Legal Pedagogy and Legal Sociology to meet practical requirements and to be fit with the prestigious status and conditions of multi-disciplinary, high-quality education at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi. 

Regarding personnel, there are currently 10 permanent staff and lecturers at the Faculty, including 01 Prof.D.Sc., 01 Prof.Dr., 03 A.Prof.Dr., 05 PhDs, 02 Master’s graduate students who are pursuing a PhD degree program, and a faculty secretary. There are also nearly 20 part-time lecturers and collaborators working at legal education and research institutions, state agencies and socio-economic organizations participating in educational and scientific research activities of the Faculty.

The Faculty of Theory and History of State and Law has many experienced lecturers and scientists with high professional qualifications and reputation in teaching and scientific research, including leading scientists in the field of theory and history of state and law. The lecturers of the Faculty have been well trained and have worked at prestigious universities and research institutes in many countries around the world.

Scientific research activities of the Faculty as a collective and of each individual scientist and lecturer of the Faculty are carried out regularly to contribute to the innovation and improvement of education quality, assist undergraduate and graduate students while greatly contributing to the development of the legal science in Vietnam. Lecturers of the Faculty have assumed the position of team leader or participated in the implementation of numerous basic and applied scientific research projects at state and ministerial levels; have participated in policy and law-making activities. Many scientific works in the form of monographs, textbooks, reference books and scientific papers by the Faculty lecturers are highly appreciated for the quality and development orientation regarding the field of legal theory, legal policy and development, history of state and law, legal culture. The Faculty have also effectively assisted undergraduate and graduate students with scientific research on topics that allow the application of basic legal science in practice.

2. Subjects (undergraduate and graduate programs)

*Undergraduate programs: Legal Studies, Business Law, High-Quality Bachelor’s Program:

- Theory of state and law

- History of state and law

- Legal sociology

- State and law of ASEAN countries

- Comparative law

- Introduction to state and law (to be taught at education institutions of VNU)

*Master’s degree program in Theory and History of State and Law:

- Rule of law

- Theory on law making and law enforcement

- Theories of state and law

- Comparative legal culture

- State and law of Vietnam in the Middle Ages

- Functions of modern state

- Law and sustainable development

- Methods for scientific research

- Sociology of law breaking, making, and enforcing

- The ‘Quoc trieu hinh luat’ - main content and contemporary values

- Implementation of human rights law

- Legal system

- Basic legal systems in the world

*Proposed subjects to be added to the programs:

- Legal service

- Justice and access to justice

- Legal responsibility

- Ethical basis of law

- Legal thinking

*PhD degree program in Theory and History of State and Law:

- Methods for scientific research and teaching law

- Contemporary issues on state and law in the context of the rule-of-law

- Sociology of legal behavior, ethical behavior

- Legal culture and legal pedagogy

- Source of law

- History of law 

3. Main research areas

- Theory of rule of law and civil society

- Theory of law

- Legal sociology

- History of state and law

- Comparative law 

4. Research teams of the Faculty

(1) Theory of State and Law, Legal Sociology Research Team

Leaders: Prof.Dr.Sc. Dao Tri Uc, Prof.Dr. Hoang Thi Kim Que, Dr. Mai Van Thang

Main research areas:

- Rule of law and civil society

- Functions of modern state

- Theory of law, source of law

- Legal culture and human rights culture

- Sociology of law making, enforcing, and breaking

- Sociology of access to justice and law

- Legal sociology of social issues

(2) History of State and Law Research Team

Leaders: Prof.Dr. Hoang Thi Kim Que, A.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Minh Tuan

Main research areas:

- History of legal thought: Study the contemporary values of ideologies and political institutions throughout history and the possibility of inheritance in the context of the construction of a socialist state that espouses for a rule-of-law in Vietnam today.

- History of state and law of Vietnam: Study the aspects of the Vietnamese legal tradition such as the traditional legal culture; characteristics of legal sources and forms, the law-making and promulgation process, and the implementation of law in the traditional Vietnamese society; the main content of the law in the historical development stages of the law; conventions, customary laws; village conventions, customary laws…

- World history of law and state:

+ Study the history of state and law of countries in the region and the interaction with Vietnam throughout historical periods.

+ Study the contents and values of major codes of law and legal systems throughout the world history of law.

+ Study constitutional and legislative models in the world

+ Study the world history of legislative techniques

+ Research forms of state and legal development trends in the world

- Political and legal thought in Vietnam:

+ Study different aspects of the Vietnamese legal tradition: the traditional legal culture; characteristics of legal sources and forms, the law-making and promulgation process, and the implementation of law in the traditional Vietnamese society; the main content of the law in the historical development stages of the law; village conventions, customary laws…

+ Study Ho Chi Minh's humane thought on the rule of law

- State and law of ASEAN countries

 (3) Comparative Law, Legal Theory Research Team

Leaders: A.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh, A.Prof.Dr. Trinh Quoc Toan, A.Prof.Dr.  Nguyen Minh Tuan

Main research areas:

- Methods of comparative law

- Major legal systems in the world

- Modern theories of law

- Modern legislative techniques

- Legal modernization and legal development trends in the world

(4) Policy, Law and Development Research Team

Leaders: Prof.D.Sc. Dao Tri Uc, A.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh, Dr. Pham Thi Duyen Thao

Main research areas:

- Policy analysis

- Law and sustainable development

- Implementation of human rights law

- Resolution mechanisms for disputes and conflicts in society

- Civil society

- Participation, accountability and local democracy

- Legal services


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